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How will Augmented Reality be Integrated into the Filtration Industry?

Updated: Jan 6, 2021

In our last post, we talked about the potential of using Virtual Reality (VR) in the liquid filter manufacturing industry. While VR is a great tool for product development stages, its requirement to don a headset could pose as a hazard if used on factories grounds. Augmented Reality (AR) displays digital content into the real world via digital screens or eye glasses, which is a safer option for factory technicians.

Improved Monitoring

AR has the ability to display not only image content, but relevant text, stats and information as well. Workers could use AR to measure various changes, identify unsafe working conditions, or even visualize a finished product or structure.

Imagine being able to scan a filter and to see all it's details, including remaining capacity and estimated time left before a filter change is needed, or how the system can be optimised. What if you could walk through your plant and be able to see at a glance if anything was malfunctioning? It sounds like something out of a sci-fi film, but for some in the manufacturing industry, this has been made a reality.

Faster Maintenance

AR could allow your maintenance crew could spot potential issues early on, and see exactly what equipment needed servicing. It could show them operation times, date of last service, potential points of failure, and much more. This would take the guesswork out of the process, allowing for faster repairs, quicker response and recovery times, and better operations all around. The U.S. Marines are already using a system similar to this for their mechanics.

Safety & Training

Hiring new talent is unavoidable, yet putting them on the factory grounds can lead to safety issues if they are not familiar with protocols, standard procedures or equipment. AR could allow trainees to be informed and protected at all times even as they move through the plant.

The AR system would deliver the necessary updates and information to help them understand what’s happening, why, and how that relates to their duties. A quick scan could allow trainees to understand the function of each machinery, and even give them an "x-ray" look into machines to learn about them inside-out. This could reduce training time needed and allow them to begin assisting on simpler, safer tasks.

Atheer has already crafted an experience remarkably similar to this. Its AR application offers step-by-step task guidance, contextual documentation and manuals, additional resources, and even barcode scanning for quick help.

Simplify Assembly

Machines and systems can be complex to assemble or disassemble. Needing to refer back and forth between a manual can take up a lot of time. But what if you could wear smart glasses to aid you instead? You would be able to see the instructions right on your viewfinder, cutting down assembly time.

Skylight is an example of wearable technology that gave Boeing technicians the instructions they need for wiring, cutting production time by 25% and reducing error rates to zero.

All these are just a small glimpse of the true potential AR has to offer in manufacturing. The possibilities of implementing VR and AR in the manufacturing of filtration systems in a future we're looking forward to.


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